On Thursday, 2 November 2017

From 6 – 7.30pm

At Unity Books, 57 Willis St, Wellington

How did the nation of Aotearoa New Zealand develop?

How can we shape its development in the future?

Join the McGuinness Institute as we launch the 3rd edition of our pocket-sized New Zealand history book.

Nation Dates presents a timeline of significant events that have shaped New Zealand and our collective identity from 1769 to the present. Unique ‘historical threads’ link related events and illustrate patterns from the past, providing an invaluable context for thinking about the future.

We are delighted to have Dame Claudia Orange, patron of the Institute, joining us on the evening of the launch.

‘This meticulously researched book embodies the commitment and passion of Wendy McGuinness’ work through the McGuinness Institute. Nation Dates includes events of real significance to New Zealand’s past and will become a key text for libraries, schools, universities and anyone with an interest in this country’s past and future.’ – Dame Claudia Orange