One year on, it is great to see that the LongtermNZ workshop is having a continuing effect. This month two  participants, Susie Krieble and Finn O’Dwyer-Cunliffe, have had their views published in the November issue of Policy Quarterly with an article entitled ‘Engaging Youth on New Zealand’s Long-Term Fiscal Position’. The article offers a unique perspective on our long-term fiscal position, including areas of concern and interest for youth and what it was like to create a youth fiscal statement. They also share LongTermNZ’s views on the 2013 Treasury report: the team was overwhelmingly positive about it.

This issue of the Policy Quarterly Journal focuses on the recent Treasury report, Affording Our Future: Statement on New Zealand’s Long-Term Fiscal Position. The  report is only the third of its kind and it is much more accessible than its predecessors. I have been surprised and impressed by the effort the Treasury has taken to create a more transparent document, particularly in asking for our views.

The next step is getting greater youth engagement beyond those who already have a special interest, like the Politics and Economics majors involved in LongTermNZ. This is no easy task, given that many young people will be concentrating on finishing university, finding a job, getting a mortgage – never mind what’s happening in the futuristic-sounding 2053. Susie and Finn’s article articulates some ways that this might be done. We look forward to more young people becoming a part of the conversation.

The Institute would like to thank Jonathan Boston for making this opportunity possible.

The journal is available in hard copy (to subscribe contact or you can access an online version here at the Institute for Governance and Policy Studies site.