On 26 July at the annual conference of the World Future Society in San Francisco, Peter Bishop ran a session about his organisation, Teach the Future. Teach the Future aims to encourage and support educators to introduce futures thinking into their classes and schools at all levels. The organisation provides materials and resources as ‘starter kits‘ to educators to allow them to incorporate futures thinking into their classes. Their website describes these starter kits, which are designed for secondary and college educators, as providing ‘some easy-to-implement steps towards getting your students thinking and engaging in the future’.
We have published a video of Peter’s session on our YouTube channel.
We are fortunate to have Peter Bishop as an essayist for the upcoming TalentNZ Journal: Grow talent edition. Peter will be writing an essay showing how foresight can be beneficial in schools.
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Any questions you have about the TalentNZ project, please contact project manager Hannah Steiner at talentnz@mcguinnessinstitute.org.