We are seeking 36 New Zealanders between the ages of 18 to 25 to attend the ForesightNZ workshop. The workshop will take place over 72 hours, from Wednesday, 27 April 2016 to Friday, 29 April 2016, and will conclude with a presentation at the New Zealand Treasury. Please see the ForesightNZ website for more information.

20160427 ForesightNZ - Final Flyer

Participant registration
The Institute is seeking a diverse range of young New Zealanders to share their thoughts and observations about New Zealand’s long-term future. If you would like to register, or know of someone who would, please visit the registrations page. Registrations close Friday, 25 March 2016.

The workshop will not only enable young New Zealanders to gain an insight into the machinery of government, but will also ensure that officials hear a youth perspective before finalising their Statement on New Zealand’s Long-Term Fiscal Position (due later this year). The first version of the workshop programme will be available in early March 2016. Confirmed speakers to date include:

  • Geoff Bascand, Deputy Governor and Head of Operations, The Reserve Bank of New Zealand
  • Mai Chen, Managing Partner Chen Palmer Partners Chair, Superdiversity Centre for Law, Policy and Business
  • Hon Sir Michael Cullen, Former Deputy Prime Minister of New Zealand Chair, New Zealand Post Group
  • Roger Dennis, Consultant: innovation, foresight, transformation
  • Dr Bronwyn Hayward, Associate Professor, Political Science and International Relations, University of Canterbury
  • Gabriel Makhlouf, Secretary and Chief Executive, The New Zealand Treasury
  • Patrick Nolan, Principal Advisor, Productivity Commission
  • Christian Penny, Director, Toi Whakaari: NZ Drama School
  • Frances Valintine, Founder, The Mind Lab

Flights and Accommodation are included
Participants’ food and accommodation costs will be covered during the workshop, as well as travel costs to and from Wellington. Participants will need to arrive in Wellington on the evening of Tuesday, 26 April.

About the McGuinness Institute’s workshops
The McGuinness Institute is a non-partisan think tank working towards a sustainable future, contributing strategic foresight through evidence-based research and policy analysis. Each year the Institute organises thirty 18- to 25-year-olds to come together in order to discuss a policy issue at the New Zealand Treasury. This workshop follows the model of previous workshops held at the Treasury – see TacklingPovertyNZ, LocalNZ, LivingStandardsNZ and LongTermNZ. The Institute prepares youth workshops in collaboration with the New Zealand Treasury; without their continued support we would not be able to make these events happen.

If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact us at foresightnz@mcguinnessinstitute.org.