StrategyNZ: Mapping our Future
28-31 March 2011
The StrategyNZ: Mapping our Future course and workshop brought together participants from around New Zealand and challenged them to work in groups to develop strategy maps that showed their vision for New Zealand and how we get there. Thank you to the New Zealand Post Group, Willis Bond & Co, Air New Zealand, Wellington City Council, Singapore Airlines, Palladium Strategy, Te Wharewaka o Poneke, Kensington Swan Lawyers, KPMG, Deloitte and Scratch Design for their support of this workshop.

Speakers at the workshop included:
- Sir Paul Callaghan
- Jillian de Beer
- Dr Peter Bishop
- Michael Moore-Jones
- Sir Mason Durie
- Sam Morgan
- Mai Chen
- Aaron Maniam
- Dr Morgan Williams
- Tony Alexander
- Colin James
StrategyNZ: Speaker presentations playlist
StrategyNZ: Participants presentations playlist