Please join us for lunch this Friday at 1 pm to listen to Dr Bernard Cadogan talk about what makes a good political speech in New Zealand. Please see the invitation below.

We have been fortunate to have the pleasure of Dr Bernard Cadogan joining us at the Institute this week. Bernard is well-known in the public service as a speech writer and consultant. He has recently spent the last few years in Oxford and is planning his return to New Zealand later this year. He leaves for the UK again on Friday evening, so we are using this lunch as an opportunity to share his insights. For those of you interested in civics and speech writing, this is not to be missed.

This discussion aligns with Nation Voices, which is a McGuinness Institute initiative that aims to explore the role of New Zealand prime ministers over time. We will film this talk and make it available later this month on the nation voices website, see

8 May 2015 - web

More about Dr Bernard Cadogan
Born Blenheim Marlborough 1961 | Resides Oxford UK, married with three children | Educated Otago, Cambridge and Oxford Universities | History, constitutional thought and political philosophy | Previous Political Advisor and Consultant to Hon Bill English, Rt Hon Dame Jennifer Shipley, Rt Hon Simon Upton, Hon Trevor Mallard | Advisor and Envoy to King Tuheitia Paki | Consultant The Treasury from 2011; Maori International from 2015| Author “A Terrible and Fatal Man”: Sir George Grey and the British Southern Hemisphere.

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