A year ago today 50 participants, supported by 8 facilitators and 10 speakers,  gathered at parliament and began drafting a constitution for New Zealand ‘fit for the 21st century’. At the completion of this ambitious exercise, the 50 participants became constitutional ambassadors charged with taking what they had learnt and continuing this important conversation in their communities.

The Institute would like to take this opportunity to once again thank everyone who made the EmpowerNZ initiative possible. It has been fantastic to work with so many passionate and talented young people over the last 12 months.

If you haven’t seen all the final submissions, they are available for download on the EmpowerNZ website. We submitted three to the Constitutional Advisory Panel: (1) the EmpowerNZ survey submission, (2) the July 2013 EmpowerNZ workshop submission, and (3) the McGuinness Institute’s submission. There are also a couple of personal submissions on the website, which we will continue to add to.

Thanks again,

Wendy and the team