I am very pleased (and relieved) to announce the Institute’s submission to the Constitutional Advisory Panel is now on the website. It has been a big piece of work – starting at StrategyNZ in 2011, developing into EmpowerNZ in late August 2012 and culminating with a workshop to prepare a youth submission in July 2013. As an adjunct – we also hosted LongtermNZ in December 2013. Together, all of these workshops have shone light on our thinking, showing a way forward. Thank you to all of you, there must have been almost 400 people involved over the last three years.

I only hope you will like what we came to, tricky stuff, but fascinating and what an opportunity to this country if we can get our Constitutional House in order. Thank you again Wendy and the team (Hannah, Niki, Ryan, Renata, and Grace).