What are your aspirations for Aotearoa New Zealand? How do you want our country to be run in the future?

Next week, the Constitutional Advisory Panel will officially launch their engagement website The Constitution Conversation. The public is invited to join the Panel at Te Marae, Te Papa, 11.30am – 2.00pm on Tuesday 26 February. We hope to see you there.

‘The Constitution Conversation’ website aims to provide a platform for engagement with the Constitutional Review during the first half of 2013. The website will contain information resources on key topic areas (Bill of Rights, Treaty of Waitangi, electoral matters etc.), and provide a place to share ideas and participate in discussions.

The launch of the website also marks the beginning of the formal submission process. The Constitutional Advisory Panel will be accepting submission on the Constitutional Review until 1 July 2013. A submission guide will be made available on the new website.

The Institute will be preparing a submission, and we are also hoping to facilitate a submission from the participants of the EmpowerNZ workshop. The full report, Report 14, EmpowerNZ: Drafting a constitution for the 21st century, was launched late last month and can be found on our publications page.