by Wendy McGuinness | Oct 3, 2012 | Uncategorized
Last Thursday I had the privilege of listening to 17-year-old Leona Plaisier’s presentation before the Board of Inquiry hearing the NZ King Salmon proposal. NZ King Salmon, who sells salmon in New Zealand under the Regal and Southern Ocean brands, aims to establish...
by admin | Sep 28, 2012 | Uncategorized
Today we met with Kieran Stowers and Chris Nicholls, design students at Massey University, who have developed a website that aims to increase youth engagement with New Zealand elections. Kieran and Chris were among the passionate and talented group of participants at...
by Wendy McGuinness | Sep 24, 2012 | Uncategorized
What significant events have shaped the nation of New Zealand? We are currently working on the second edition of our book Nation Dates, and this is the last week we will be accepting suggestions for new dates to include. If you have suggestions or general feedback,...
by Wendy McGuinness | Sep 21, 2012 | Uncategorized
We realise this is a few weeks old now (and in the world of social media that makes it archaic), but a couple of our staff members hadn’t seen this until yesterday. Cure Kids is a great cause, so we thought we would share it on our blog to encourage further donations....
by Wendy McGuinness | Sep 20, 2012 | Uncategorized
The Honourable Jim McLay’s keynote address at the EmpowerNZ workshop is now available on our YouTube channel. Hon Jim McLay is the New Zealand Permanent Representative to the United Nations, and a former leader of the National Party. He served as Deputy Prime Minister...
by Wendy McGuinness | Sep 7, 2012 | Uncategorized How about taking five minutes out to listen to the ‘Constitutional Rap’ this Friday- you will never think of a constitution as boring ever again. Big thanks to participants Ihapera Paniora and Pania Newton; they...