Launch of ‘Expert Lunches’

Launch of ‘Expert Lunches’

On 3rd April, the first ‘Expert Lunch’ was held at Sustainable Future’s office. For the debut, we invited Dr Sean Weaver from Carbon-Partnership as the guest, accompanied by Scott Wilson from Water Matters Ltd. We took the chance to enjoy an almost...
Launch of ‘Expert Lunches’

Insight vs. Foresight

I just got back to the office after a coffee with Victoria  University’s resident futurologist, the fantastic Ian Yeoman. We had a very interesting chat about trends and tourism in New Zealand (amongst other things) and one thing he said particularly stuck with...
Launch of ‘Expert Lunches’

Pathways to Resilient Communities

On Saturday I was involved in the Pathways to Resilient Communities event, held at Te Papa. The event was organised by a group of committed people, including members of transition towns groups, Regional Councils, business leaders and other groups with an interest in...
Launch of ‘Expert Lunches’

Webstock 2009

I was lucky enough to be invited to hear Jane McGonigal speak at Webstock on Thursday. Jane is a world leader in Alternate Reality Games (ARGs) and her discussion of what makes people happy and how these games help people to achieve this happiness was  fascinating....
Launch of ‘Expert Lunches’

Launch of the Conversations

Yesterday we launched our video project, the Conversations. This series of filmed conversations between eminent New Zealand thinkers was recorded in Wellington in June 2008, and went live on our website yesterday. Last night, to celebrate the launch, we gathered as...