Hirshhorn Sculpture Garden – Washington D.C.

Freezing for World Environment Day

  Today the SF team locked up the office and went down to Lambton Quay to join in on the ‘freeze’. The event this year was to highlight the need to unite to combat climate change, with world leaders to negotiate a new global climate treaty in...
Hirshhorn Sculpture Garden – Washington D.C.

Third Expert Lunch

Today we had the wonderful Jan Bieringa come in to share lunch with us. Jan started (e)-vision, a digital media centre, in Wellington in the 90s, and was also a co-founder of the 7×7 Ideas Forum. She is currently working on a feature documentary and is the...
Hirshhorn Sculpture Garden – Washington D.C.

Second Expert Lunch

With the rain filling drains outside, the Sustainable Future team spent an engaging lunch meeting with Pam and Morgan Williams on Friday May 8th. Morgan was New Zealand’s second Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment (1996-2007). Since stepping down from the...
Hirshhorn Sculpture Garden – Washington D.C.


On April 23 and 24 I attended the Nanotechnology workshop organised by Dr Robert Hickson from the Ministry of Research, Science and Technology. The event involved people from universities, research institutes and government departments, and was an opportunity to...