Foresight – Government Office for Science

Foresight – Government Office for Science

On Friday I also was able to visit the Foresight team, which operates from within the Government Office for Science. I met with Mary Lawrence, Project Manager, who was very generous with her time. Mary explained the history of the organisation, and the full breadth of...
Foresight – Government Office for Science

Meeting with Professor Tim Jackson

I caught the train down to the University of Surrey, where I met with Professor Tim Jackson, author of the excellent SDC report ‘Prosperity without Growth’. Tim and I had discussed the response to the report, and he kindly let me record a brief interview...
Foresight – Government Office for Science

World Futures Conference 2009

Another fantastic conference, and many lessons learnt. I will be writing more specific entries about the conference soon, but until then, slides from my presentation at the Professional Members’ Forum on Monday are available here. I was also able to film a...
Foresight – Government Office for Science

Visiting the EPA

I spent an hour at the EPA, talking to John Stassi. It was very interesting to see how the agency had evolved since its creation. Considering the plans rumored for the changes to New Zealand’s own institutional framework, and the Phase 2 changes proposed for the...