

The team at Sustainable Future lost a long-standing, much loved and respected member of our team yesterday when Richard Shonakan passed away after a long illness. We extend our heartfelt condolences to Richard’s wife Karen and his children Isabella and Patrick....

Dr Merrin Pearse

On Thursday we met with Dr Merrin Pearse, a Kiwi ‘Eco-preneur’ living and working in Hong Kong. Merrin describes his role as ecopreneur as a possibility to connect businesses with conservation projects in ways that are mutually beneficial for both parties....

The Danger of Now – TEDx, Auckland

Last Thursday I spoke at the TEDx event held in Auckland (TEDx is a program of local, self-organised events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience). It was a brilliantly organised event, and I was honoured to be involved. My presentation as the...

Lunch with Hardin Tibbs

Through an introduction made by Dr Morgan Williams, I met up with Hardin Tibbs in London for lunch. Hardin is a top futures researcher and strategy consultant, so I was very interested to discuss our plans for a national strategy, in particular how best to pursue Part...

Think Tanks in London

While I was in London I had the chance to visit a number of think tanks. It was great to see how these organisations operate, and the many different ways they are publishing and expressing their ideas. On Thursday I visited Forum for the Future at their office in...