TalentNZ presents Rod Drury 13/30

TalentNZ presents Rod Drury 13/30

Rod is a founder and CEO of online accounting software company Xero. He has extensive experience in software development, and since founding Glazier Systems in 1995, he has developed a reputation for technology entrepreneurship. Working from home in the Hawke’s Bay...
TalentNZ presents Roger Dennis 12/30

TalentNZ presents Roger Dennis 12/30

Roger is a consultant in foresight, innovation and large-scale change, supporting government bodies and companies across Asia, Europe and Australasia. He is currently leading the Christchurch initiative called Sensing Cities, which involves the conjunction of...
TalentNZ presents Dave Darling 11/30

TalentNZ presents Dave Darling 11/30

Dave Darling Dave is the Chief Executive of Pacific Edge Ltd, a Dunedin-based biomedical company specialising in the discovery and commercialisation of technologies and products that assist in the detection and management of cancers. Dave combines being a scientist...
TalentNZ presents Andrew Coy 10/30

TalentNZ presents Andrew Coy 10/30

Andrew is one of the founders and the chief executive of Wellington-based Magritek, an advanced technology company specialising in nuclear magnetic resonance systems. With a PhD in physics, Andrew brings together science and business, guiding one of New Zealand’s...
TalentNZ presents Kaila Colbin 9/30

TalentNZ presents Kaila Colbin 9/30

Kaila is the founder and chief executive of a number of initiatives, including Missing Link and Ministry of Awesome in Christchurch. A native New Yorker, she has been an entrepreneur since she was 22 and is fluent in four languages. Kaila loves to see ideas turned...
TalentNZ presents Rachel Carrell 8/30

TalentNZ presents Rachel Carrell 8/30

Rachel is the chief executive at DrThom, the world’s largest online doctor service, located in the United Kingdom. Originally from Invercargill, she completed a doctorate at Oxford then worked in various sectors across theworld before taking up her role at DrThom....