OECD Forum 2018: Distilling the message from the noise

OECD Forum 2018: Distilling the message from the noise

About the OECD Forum, 29 to 30 May 2018 Over two days 3000 attendees came together in Paris to hear some of the 80+ sessions and explore ‘What brings us together?’. Discussions were loosely structured around three central and connected themes: inclusive growth,...
McGuinness Institute Newsletter Issue 19 out now!

McGuinness Institute Newsletter Issue 19 out now!

This newsletter shares our updated work programme, giving you a summary of what we have been doing since our last newsletter in May 2017 and detailing what we hope to achieve before the end of the year. Our work programme this year is focused on the 10 year...
Prime Minister’s 2018 Summer Reading List

Prime Minister’s 2018 Summer Reading List

The books we have selected for the ‘Prime Minister’s 2018 summer reading list’ denotes the tools, ideas and/or skills we think the Prime Minister of New Zealand might find useful next year. Three high-level ideas shape the books we have selected: Idea 1:...
What Next?

What Next?

From 11 June to 15 June Wendy was part of a panel of futurists on the TVNZ show What Next? hosted by John Campbell and Nigel Latta. The show included live viewer voting on key questions and issues, with results displayed in real time and post-show interviews streamed...