by admin | Apr 11, 2018 | Project ClimateChangeNZ
Earlier this week Nicholas Shackleton and Isabella Smith (research analysts at the Institute) attended day two of the Edmund Hillary Fellowship’s New Frontiers event. Co-founded by Yoseph Ayele back in 2015, New Frontiers is a global summit that takes place in New...
by Wendy McGuinness | Dec 19, 2017 | Prime Minister's Summer Reading List, Project CivicsNZ, Project ClimateChangeNZ, Project ForesightNZ, Project Nation Dates, Project OneOceanNZ, Project PublicScienceNZ, Project ReportingNZ, Project StrategyNZ, Project TacklingPovertyNZ, Project TalentNZ
The books we have selected for the ‘Prime Minister’s 2018 summer reading list’ denotes the tools, ideas and/or skills we think the Prime Minister of New Zealand might find useful next year. Three high-level ideas shape the books we have selected: Idea 1:...
by admin | Sep 6, 2017 | Project ClimateChangeNZ
On 9 and 10 August 2017 Nicholas Shackleton (intern at the Institute) attended the Environmental Defence Society’s annual conference, titled ‘Tipping Points’ for 2017. Topics including terrestrial habitats, farming, marine habitats, fishing and policy were all covered...
by admin | Jun 22, 2017 | Project CivicsNZ, Project ClimateChangeNZ, Project ForesightNZ, Project OneOceanNZ, Project PublicScienceNZ, Project ReportingNZ, Project StrategyNZ, Project TacklingPovertyNZ, Project TalentNZ
From 11 June to 15 June Wendy was part of a panel of futurists on the TVNZ show What Next? hosted by John Campbell and Nigel Latta. The show included live viewer voting on key questions and issues, with results displayed in real time and post-show interviews streamed...
by Wendy McGuinness | Dec 20, 2016 | Prime Minister's Summer Reading List, Project CivicsNZ, Project ClimateChangeNZ, Project ForesightNZ, Project OneOceanNZ, Project PublicScienceNZ, Project ReportingNZ, Project StrategyNZ, Project TacklingPovertyNZ, Project TalentNZ
SCITILOP 2016 – the year politics was written back to front The readjustment that is taking place across the democratic world has been astonishing. For those sitting at the bottom of the planet, it has been like watching giant dominos falling, hearing the sound...
by admin | Sep 28, 2016 | Project CivicsNZ, Project ClimateChangeNZ, Project ForesightNZ, Project OneOceanNZ, Project PublicScienceNZ, Project ReportingNZ, Project StrategyNZ, Project TacklingPovertyNZ, Project TalentNZ
This newsletter shares our updated work programme, giving you a summary of what we have been doing since our last newsletter in February 2016 and detailing what we hope to achieve before the end of the year. Issue 17 also announces the launch of our new McGuinness...