Constitutional Conversation website is launched!

Constitutional Conversation website is launched!

“It might be a warm korero or a prickly korero, but what we’ve got to do is keep the korero going,” was one of TV Personality Pio Terei’s opening statements during the launch of The Constitutional Conversation website, which will form the major platform for the...
Constitutional Advisory Panel at Te Papa

Constitutional Advisory Panel at Te Papa

What are your aspirations for Aotearoa New Zealand? How do you want our country to be run in the future? Next week, the Constitutional Advisory Panel will officially launch their engagement website The Constitution Conversation. The public is invited to join the Panel...
TONIGHT: Second Te Papa Treaty Debate

TONIGHT: Second Te Papa Treaty Debate

Te Papa is hosting the second Treaty Debate tonight, featuring a panel of young people answering the question: What issues in the Constitutional Review do you care about? Chaired by Radio New Zealand presenter Kim Hill, the panel will include EmpowerNZ participants...
Te Papa Treaty Debates Series begins!

Te Papa Treaty Debates Series begins!

Last night’s Te Papa first Treaty debate was a night to remember; special thanks must go to Dame Dr Claudia Orange for making it happen. Most interesting to me was the speakers’ different approaches to constitutional reform. Matthew Palmer discussed reform from a...