Book Review: Ecovillages: New Frontiers for Sustainability

Book Review: Black Earth White Bones

Else Vintage, $28 pb It’s the summer of Pacific settings for NZ novels. Lloyd Jones’ Mister Pip, the runaway bestseller seen in most hands across NZ all January, is set in Bougainville. Like this month’s review title, it makes lucid and informed comment on the...
Book Review: Ecovillages: New Frontiers for Sustainability

Book Review: Confronting Climate Change

by Ralph Chapman, Jonathan Boston and Margot Schwass Victoria University Press, pb $40.00 For those who are tired of a climate change debate communicated through vague hand-waving gestures and pretty pictures, VUP’s Confronting Climate Change addresses the crucial...
Book Review: Ecovillages: New Frontiers for Sustainability

Book Review: The Long Emergency

James Howard Kunstler Atlantic, pb $30 Global warming has become increasingly prominent in our social consciousness in the past year and, as always, this brings an excess of literature to choose from. With this book, Kunstler cuts through the chaff by adopting a...
Book Review: Ecovillages: New Frontiers for Sustainability

Book Review: A Short History of Progress

By Ronald Wright Da Capo Press, pb $35 One of the central questions Wright seeks to answer in this concise and gripping work is, “Why, if civilizations so often destroy themselves, has the overall experiment of civilization done so well?” He tries to...