Luminous MomentsToday Bridget Williams Books (BWB) launched the new BWB Text series of short digital books bringing together the best of the past, present and future of thought in New Zealand. The first of the series to be released is Paul Callaghan: Luminous Moments: Selected writing and speeches by Paul Callaghan. This book is filled with stories from the late Sir Paul’s youth, covers his love of science and discusses his visions for New Zealand’s future. The foreword is written by Sir Paul’s daughter, Catherine Callaghan and talks beautifully of her memories with her father. The eBooks release is in time to mark the anniversary of his passing in 2012. To purchase the eBook visit the BWB website.

Also, a reminder that Team Paul Callaghan will be participating in the Cancer Society’s Relay For Life in Wellington this weekend. It is not too late to show your support by buying a Team Paul Callaghan t-shirt, or by making a donation. We’ll see you there!