
The James Duncan Reference Library was established in October 2009.


The library and archive house publications on New Zealand’s future-thinking initiatives and historical development, the theory and practice of future-thinking, strategy development, and national and international perspectives.

The Institute believes that New Zealand’s future must build on its past and this is why our library, in all its forms, is so important to us. The library has reached over 5000 books and publications and counting.

Opening hours

The library is open to the public, Monday–Friday, 9am–5pm.
To make an appointment,
or phone +64 4 499 8888.


The McGuinness Institute office,
Level 1A, 15 Allen St, Wellington.

bronze collection
Silver collection

Our collections

gold books

Gold collection

This collection contains old, rare, or unique New Zealand publications on various topics. Most of this material can be found on our online catalogue and is available on request. These publications cannot leave the premises.


  • Antarctica (ANZ)
  • Colin Radford Journal (CRJ)
  • Colin Radford Digital Media (CRM)
  • Environmental Science (ENVS)
  • Global (GLO)
  • James K. Baxter (JKB)
  •  Katherine Mansfield (KMF)
  • Legislation [incl. land rights] (LEG)
  • Māori History (MAOH)
  • Maps and Discoveries [exploration and voyages] (M&D)
  • Marlborough Sounds (MBS)
  • Miscellaneous Documents [incl. Articles/Music/Newspapers etc.]
  • New Zealand History (NZHIS)
  • Poetry (POE)
silver books

Silver collection

These publications are kept in the James Duncan Reference Library and cannot leave the premises. They are searchable on our online catalogue and accessible from the library. Soft copies are available on request.


  • Australian Prime Ministers (PAU)
  • Commission for the Future (CFTF)
  • Energy (ENG)
  • Foresight New Zealand (FNZ)
  • Journals (JOU)
  • Māori History (MNZ)
  • New Zealand Government & Ministries publications (GM)
  • New Zealand History [incl. James Cook] (HNZ)
  • New Zealand Planning Council (PC)
  • New Zealand Prime Ministers (PNZ)
  • Other New Zealand publications (ONZ)
  • Other publications [not published in New Zealand] (OTH)
  • Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment (PCE)
  • United Kingdom Prime Ministers (PUK)
  • United State Presidents (PUSA)
bronze books

Bronze collection

This collection contains books published after the year 2000 and covers a range of topics. These books are not catalogued (and are therefore not on Librarything).

The Commission for the Future publications

An asterisk (*) indicates publications the McGuinness Institute does not currently have in it’s library.

OrderDatePrepared forTitleAuthor(s)
1.1977N/ASubmission to the Royal Commission on Nuclear Power*N/A
2.1977N/AReport on the First Year of Work*N/A
3.March/April 1977Commission for the FutureReport on the Commission's Seminar on Forecasting techniquesCommission for the Future
4.1978N/ANew Zealand Futures GameScott, G.
5.1978N/AA Programme of Future StudiesCommission for the Future
6.May 1978Commission for the FutureSocial Processes in New Zealand’s Future: The Relevance of European ModelsPitt, D.
7.June 1978Commission for the FutureNew Zealand's Future Begins Today Thomas, D. O.
8.July/August 1978Commission for the FutureNew Zealand in World Society: Towards the Year 2000Rankin, P.
9.September 1978N/AThe Social Aspects of Development in New ZealandDuncan, F. J.
10.1979N/AImproving New Zealand's DemocracyHoadley, J. S.
11.1979N/AFuture Technology*Technological Working Party and DSIR
12.1979Commission for the FutureA Question of Priorities: New Zealanders in Conversation about the FuturePhillips, P
13.1979Commission for the FutureInternational Relations OpportunitiesParker, A.
14.1979Commission for the Future Resources & Technology SustainabilityHunt, D.
15.1979Commission for the FutureSocieties in Change: A Question of ScaleZepke, N.
16.1979Commission for the FutureWork and The MicroprocessorDuncan, J. F.
17.March 1979Commission for the FutureThe Electronics AgeWilliams, W. R.
18.October 1979Commission for the FutureInterfutures - A Research Project on The Future Development of Advanced Industrial Societies in Harmony with that of Developing CountriesDuncan, J. F.
19.October 1979Commission for the FutureTowards the Year 2000 in EducationRenwick, W. L.
20.October 1979Commission for the FutureGoals of New ZealandersZepke, N. and Robinson, J.
21.November 1979Commission for the FutureSome Visions of the Future WorldRobinson, J.
22.December 1979Commission for the FutureCommission for Future: Response to ChangeMcGill, I.
23.1980N/ATrends into the Future, Report No. CFFR 1/80*Robinson, J
24.May 1980Commission for the FutureNew Zealand in the Future World Food EconomyOjala, E.M.
25.May 1980N/ANew Zealand and the Future World*Ojala, E. M.
26.June 1980Commission for the FutureAlternative Energy Technologies in New ZealandIsaacs, N.
27.October 1980Commission for the FutureSome Economic Implications of Social Change in New ZealandDuncan, J.F., Ojala, E. M., Philpott, B. P. and Thompson, G. J.
28.October 1980Commission for the FutureFast-Track Self-Sufficiency: An Alternative Energy Plan Preddey, G. F.
29.October 1980Commission for the FutureAttitudes to the FutureMurphy, B. D.
30.November 1980N/ANetwork New Zealand Working Papers: 1. Towards a Communications and Information Policy in New ZealandHarpham, M.
31.1981Commission for the FutureContexts for Development - Clarifying ValuesZepke, N., Harpham, M., Barret, M., Niven, M. and Wilkins, P.
32.February 1981N/A Network New Zealand Working Papers: 9. Space Satellite DistributionVan Valkenburg, G.
33.February 1981Commission for the FutureEconomic Aspects of the Commission for the Future's Scenarios of 2010Philpott, B., Stroombergen, A. and Burnell, S.
34.April 1981Professor Yehezkel Dror (OECD)The Commission for the Future: A Case Study Hunn, M.
35.May 1981N/ANetwork New Zealand Working Papers: 2. Information Occupations: The New Dominant in the NZ Work ForceConway, M.
36.June 1981Commission for the FutureReport on New Zealand TelevoteBecker, T., Clement, A., McRobie, T. and Murphy, B.
37.June 1981Commission for the FutureTrade Pattern Scenarios investigated by SARUMRobinson, J.
38.July 1981N/ANetwork New Zealand Working Papers: 3. Communications Needs and Rights; Communications in the Four NZ ContextsHarpham, P., Keir, M., Moriarty, G. and Van Valkenburg, G.
39.July 1981N/A Network New Zealand Working Papers: 4. Communications to the Year 2010: Some Social, Political and Economic IssuesKeir, M.
40.July 1981N/ANetwork New Zealand Working
Papers: 5. Computer Communications and Information Services
Harpham, P. W.
41.July 1981N/ANetwork New Zealand Working Papers: 6. The Future of Broadcasting and Frequency Spectrum Usage in New ZealandMoriarty, G. E.
42.July 1981N/ANetwork New Zealand Working Papers: 7. The New Zealand Daily Newspaper: An Endangered speciesConway, M.
43.July 1981N/ANetwork New Zealand Working Papers: 8. Point-to-point Communication in New Zealand over the Next 30 yearsMoriarty, J. P.
44.August 1981Commission for the FutureSupplement to: The New Zealand Daily Newspaper: An Endangered SpeciesConway, M.
45.August 1981Commission for the FutureNetwork New Zealand: Communications in the FutureMoriarty, G., Harpham, P.W., Keir, M., Moriarty, J.P. and Van Valkenburg, G.
46.September 1981Commission for the FutureFuture Contingencies: 1. Natural DisasterPreddey, G. F.
47.1982N/ACommunications for Tomorrow's PeopleKeir, M
48.March 1982Commission for the FutureFuture Contingencies: 4. Nuclear DisasterPreddey, G. F., Kjellstrom, T. E., Wilkins, P. C., Williamson, B. R. and Wilson, N. A.
49.April 1982Commission for the FutureFuture Contingencies: 2. Societal DisasterParr, A. R.
50.October 1982Victoria University of WellingtonCommunications: A Cross Impact StudyBlunt, G. H. L., Chan, R., Duncan, J.F., Mackay, D. K. and Young, S. J.
51.November 1982Commission for the FutureFutures KitHarpham, M. and McCarthy, T.
52.N/ACommission for the FutureCommission for the Future: Information Kit: Where does this Country's Future lie?*N/A
53.N/AN/AFuturewatch*Wilkins, P.
54.N/AN/AChance for Change*N/A

The New Zealand Planning Council publications

An asterisk (*) indicates publications the McGuinness Institute does not currently have in its library.

1.March 1978Planning Perspectives 1978 - 1983Holmes, F., Brash, D., Delamare, A., Drake, C., Gair, G., Guthrie, R., Irvine, R., Lough, N., Mete-Kingi, R., Picot, B., Probine, M., Thompson, T., Vautier, K. and Wilding, P.
2.June 1978Income Maintenance and Taxation - Some Options for Reform Bevin, P., Jack, A. and Jensen, J.
3.June 1978Working TogetherPicot, B., Drake, C., Thompson, T. and Woods, N.
4.July 1978Australian Relationships with New ZealandHolmes, F.
5.October 1978New Zealand and the European CommunityHolmes, F., Brash, D., Guthrie, R., Irvine, R., Mete-Kingi, R., Thompson, T., Vautier, K. and Wilding, P.
6.October 1978The Future for New Zealand AgricultureMcLean, I.
7.January 1979Economic Strategy 1979Holmes, F., Birch, B., Brash, D., Drake, C., Guthrie, R., Irvine, R., Koopman-Boyden, P., Lough, N., Mete-Kingi, R., Picot, B., Probine, M., Thompson, T., Vautier, K. and Wilding, P.
8.June 1979Public Expenditure and it's Financing: 1950 - 1979Holmes, F., Birch, B., Brash, D., Drake, C., Guthrie, R., Irvine, R., Koopman-Boyden, P., Lough, N., Mete-Kingi, R., Picot, B., Probine, M., Thompson, T., Vautier, K. and Wilding, P.
9.June 1979The Welfare State? Social Policy in the 1980sHolmes, F., Birch, B., Brash, D., Drake, C., Guthrie, R., Irvine, R., Koopman-Boyden, P., Lough, N., Mete-Kingi, R., Picot, B., Probine, M., Thompson, T., Vautier, K. and Wilding, P.
10.October 1979Implications of New Energy DevelopmentsThompson, G., Livesey, C., Macbeth, N. and Holmes, F.
11.November 1979The National Development BillHolmes, F.
12.December 1979Whakatupuranga Rua Mano - Generation 2000: An Experiment on Tribal DevelopmentWiniata, W.
13.December 1979Land as Turangawaewae: Ngāti Whatua's Destiny at Orakei*Kawharu, I. H.
14.December 1979He Mātāpuna: Some Māori PerspectivesMete-Kingi, R., Irvine, R., Marsden, T., Mead, S., Piddington, K., Reedy, T., Royal, T. and Winiata, W.
15.December 1979Finding a Pathway to the Future: He Ara ki te AomaaramaMead, S. M.
16.March 1980New Zealand's Long Term Foreign Trade Problems and Structural Adjustment Policies
Lloyd, P. J & others.
17.March 1980Puzzled, Pakeha?: Some Reflections on 'He Mātāpuna'Piddington, K.
18.April 1980Regional Development Objectives and Policies: An AppraisalScott, C.D.
19.April 1980The Stabilisation Role of Fiscal PolicyDeane, R. S. and Smith, R. G.
20.April 1980Planning and the Region - A Memorandum for MinistersVautier, K., Densem, G., Douglass, M., Fischer, P., Guthrie, R., Holmes, F., Piddington, K and Scott, C. D.
21.June 1980Investment IssuesBrash, D. T., Holmes, F., Smith, B. and Thompson, G.
22.July 1980Migrants and their MotivesBarrington, R. and Davey, J.
23.December 1980Employment: Towards an Active Employment PolicyGuthrie, R., Livesey, C., Palmer, P., Pearce, L., Picot, B. and Turkington, D.
24.October 1980Forecasting the Economy in the EightiesHaywood, E.
25.April 1981DirectionsHolmes, F.
26.May 1981Measuring the Cost of Government ServicesBall, I.
27.June 1981An Agenda For Tax ReformJefferies, P., Thompson, G. and Snively, S.
28.July 1981The New Zealand Planning Council: A Case StudyFischer, P.
29.December 1981Taxing IssuesJefferies, P., Snively, S. and Thompson, G.
30.March 1982Who Makes Social PolicyKoopman-Boyden, P., Davey, J. and Elworthy, J.
31.March 1982The Welfare State?*N/A
32.March 1982National and Sectoral Development: A Framework for DiscussionHaywood, E., Philpott, B. and Rankin, P.
33.May 1982Economic Trends And PoliciesSchmitt, G. J., Hawke, G. R., Low, A. and Ross, B. J.
34.June 1982Government in the New Zealand EconomyHawke, G. R.
35.July 1982Nga WhakaaroWaitai, R.
36.September 1982Rural Change - Farming and the Rural Community in the 1970sLittle, H., Ansell, G. K., Fischer, P., Rankin, P. J., Johnson, R. W. M., Taylor, N., Ojala, E. M. and Maughan, C. W.
37.September 1982Dimensions of the Public Sector, 1960 - 1981Pope, M. J.
38.September 1982The Public Sector - An OverviewVautier, K., Holmes, F., Lang, H., Probine, M. and Ansell, G.
39.September 1982The State in BusinessJohnston, J. and Tunzelmann, A.
40.March 1983Issues In EquityDavey, J. and Koopman-Boyden, P.
41.December 1983Foreign Exchange Constraints, Export Growth and Overseas DebtBlyth, C. A., Hawke, G. R. and Smythe, D. E.
42.December 1983Towards 1990: Patterns of National & Sectoral DevelopmentHaywood E., Rose, D. and Stroombergen, A.
43.February 1984The New Zealand Population: Patterns of ChangeKoopman-Boyden, P., Bedford, R., Evans, S., Jones, A., Lowe, J., O'Neill, J., Papps, T., Pool, I. and Poot, J.
44.April 1984Meeting Needs In The Community: A Discussion Paper On Social ServicesDavey, J. and Dwyer, M.
45.June 1984New Zealand Foreign Policy: Choices, Challenges and OpportunitiesRankin, P.
46.July 1984The Government Deficit and the EconomyBlyth, C. A., Hawke, G. R. and Smythe, D. E.
47.September 1984Strategy For GrowthBlyth, C. A., Hawke, G. R. and Smythe, D. E.
48.October 1984Paternalism or Partnership? Central Government's Administrative Attitude to Local GovernmentSowman, R.
49.November 1984Towards A Strategy For New Zealand AgricultureWoods, R., Graham, K. and Rankin, P.
50.February 1985The New Zealand Population: Contemporary Trends and IssuesKirk, A., Bedford, R., Farmer, R., Hyman, P., Lowe, J., O'Niell, J., Papps, T., Pool, I. and Poot, J.
51.February 1985Employment and the EconomyRose, D.
52.February 1985Self Employment and Small BusinessDwyer, M., Rose, D. and Sowman, R.
53.March 1985Young People, Education and EmploymentCatherwood, V.
54.April 1985The Foreign Exchange MarketHawke, G. R., Blyth, C. A. and Smythe, D. E.
55.July 1985From Birth to DeathKoopman-Boyden, P., Scott, D., Abbott, M., Brown, P., Chetwynd, J., Haigh, D. and Williams, A.
56.September 1985The Regulated EconomyHawke, G. R., Blyth, C. A. and Smythe, D. E.
57.October 1985Is Farm Support the Answer? A Policy BackgrounderRankin, P. J. and Woods, N. R.
58.December 1985The New Zealand Population: Trends and Their Policy Implications 1985Douglas, I., Bedford, R., Farmer, R., Khawaja, M., Lowe, J., O'Niell, J., Pool, I. and Poot, J.
59.February 1986A Macro-Economic Model and Scenarios to 1995Haywood, E. and Cavana, R. Y.
60.April 1986Part-Time Work in New ZealandClark, A.
61.April 1986A Review of The Foreign Exchange Market And Exchange Rate DevelopmentsHawke, G. R., Ross, B. J. and Smythe, D. E.
62.June 1986Labour Market FlexibilityHawke, G. R., Ross, B. J., and Smythe, D. E.
63.July 1986Towards 1995: Patterns of National and Sectoral Development*The National Sectoral Working Group
64.August 1986Income Support for Young PeopleFerguson, D.
65.October 1986Voluntary Social Services: A Review of FundingDriver, S. and Robinson, D.
66.September 1986Economic Modelling in New Zealand - Proceedings of a SeminarSilverstone, B. and Wells, G.
67.December 1986The New Zealand Population: Change, Composition and Policy ImplicationsKoopman-Boyden, P., Bedford, R., Farmer, R., Khawaja, M., Lowe, J., Neville, W., Pool, I. and Poot, J.
68.February 1987Social Policy OptionsDavey, J. A.
69.March 1987Māori LandAsher, G. and Naulls, D.
70.May 1987Tracking Down the DeficitWebber, D.
71.June 1987Care and Control: The Role of Institutions in New ZealandCraig, T. and Mills, M.
72.July 19871981/82 Government Budget and Household Income Distribution*Snively, S.
73.August 1987New Zealand After Nuclear WarGreen, W., Cairns, T. and Wright, J.
74.September 1987New Zealand After Nuclear War: The Background Papers; 1a The likelihood of nuclear war; 1b Study assumptionsThe study team
75.September 1987New Zealand After Nuclear War: The Background Papers; 2 Impacts on New Zealand's climate and growing seasonMullan, A. and Salinger, M.
76.September 1987New Zealand After Nuclear War: The Background Papers; 3 Impacts on New Zealand's natural environmentBrockie, B.
77.September 1987New Zealand After Nuclear War: The Background Papers; 4 Meeting New Zealand's food needsHunt, D.
78.September 1987New Zealand After Nuclear War: The Background Papers; 5 Effects of electromagnetic pulse on power and communicationsCoates, G.
79.September 1987New Zealand After Nuclear War: The Background Papers; 6 Impacts on energy systems in New ZealandFitzsimons, J.
80.September 1987New Zealand After Nuclear War: The Background Papers; 7 Impacts on communications systems in New ZealandWright, J., Tiffin, J. and Whale, H.
81.September 1987New Zealand After Nuclear War: The Background Papers; 8 Disruptions to transport systems in New ZealandWright, J.
82.September 1987New Zealand After Nuclear War: The Background Papers; 9 Radiation effects on the environment and peopleRoberts, P.
83.September 1987New Zealand After Nuclear War: The Background Papers; 10 Impacts on health and the health care system in New ZealandKitchin, P.
84.September 1987New Zealand After Nuclear War: The Background Papers; 11 Human responses to disaster – a reviewBritton, N.
85.September 1987New Zealand After Nuclear War: The Background Papers; 12 The impact on New Zealand societyWylie, C.
86.September 1987New Zealand After Nuclear War: The Background Papers; 13 Impacts on New Zealand's urban systemsHaigh, D.
87.September 1987New Zealand After Nuclear War: The Background Papers; 14 Government agencies for control and recovery in New ZealandMitchell, J.
88.September 1987New Zealand After Nuclear War: The Background Papers; 15 Policy options and planning approaches for the NZ governmentA working party
89.September 1987New Zealand After Nuclear War: The Background Papers; 16 Initial impacts on New Zealand's financial sectorRankin, P. and Tompkinson, P.
90.September 1987New Zealand After Nuclear War: The Background Papers; 17 Initial disruptions to trade and employment in New ZealandMakin, K. and Gillman, C.
91.September 1987New Zealand After Nuclear War: The Background Papers; 18 International migration to New ZealandWright, J.
92.September 1987New Zealand After Nuclear War: The Background Papers; 19 Implications for links with South Pacific countriesClark, K. and Small, D.
93.June 1988Our Education and Training Choices – Post Compulsory Education and Training in New ZealandHaines, L.
94.September 1988Overseas Debt - An AssessmentWebber, D.
95.September 1988Pākehā Perspectives on the Treaty: Proceedings from the Planning Council SeminarElworthy, P., Orange, C., Blanchard, P. and O'Regan, T.
96.1988Prospects: Economic and Sectoral Trends to 1997Rose, D., Callister, P., Cavana, B., Garrett, R., Duncan. I., Gordon, R., Balfour, H., Haywood, E., Hawke, G., Philpott, B., Rankin, P. and Stroombergen, A.
97.March 1989From Birth to Death ll: The Second Overview ReportDavey, J. and Mills, M.
98.April 1989Diversity and Change: Regional Populations in New ZealandBedford, R., Farmer, R., Khawaja, M., Lowe, J., Neville, W., Pool, I. and Poot, J.
99.July 1989The Economy in Transition: Restructuring to 1989Rayner, T., Hawke, G. and Tapper, M.
100.August 1989Implications for Māori Development: Economic and Sectoral Trends to 1997Callister, P.
101.1989Māori Information Papers – Paper 1: The PopulationBrown, D., Wallace, D. and Reedy, T.
102.1989Māori Information Papers – Paper 2: Social IssuesMills, M., Wallace, D. and Reedy, T.
103.1989Māori Information Papers – Paper 3: The New EconomyCallister, P., Haines, L., Wallace, D. and Reedy, T.
104.1989Māori information Papers – Paper 4: YouthMills, M., Wallace, D. and Reedy, T.
105.September 1989Social Policy and Inequality in Australia and New Zealand: Proceedings of Joint Conference with Social Welfare Research CommitteeSaunders, P. and Jamrozik, A.
106.October 1989What Creates New Jobs?Callister, P.
107.December 1989Work Today: Employment Trends to 1989Haines, L.
108.1989The Treaty of Waitangi: A Framework for Resource Management LawBoast, R. P.
109.April 1990The Fully Employed High Income SocietyRose, D.
110.April 1990Tomorrow's SkillsCallister, P.
111.April 1990Did you say sustainable full employment at high wages?Rose, D.
112.May 1990The Australian Māori Population: Patterns of Change*Lowe, J.
113.May 1990Labour Market Adaptability: Seminar PapersHaines, L., Harbridge, R., Rose, D., Clark, M. and O'Dea, D.
114.July 1990At The Grassroots: Community Responses to UnemploymentBoswell, K., Brown, D., Maniapoto, J. and Kruger, T.
115.August 1990Puna Wairere: Essays by MāoriDurie, E., Williams, J., Herbert, G., Paratene, R., Smith, L. and Ratahi, D.
116.September 1990Where to Now? New Zealand in the 1990sDavey, J. A. and Westaway, J.
117.November 1990Who Gets What? The Distribution of Income and Wealth in New ZealandSnively, S., Kupenga, V., Nepe, T., Rashbrooke, G., Stephens, B. and Stott, H
118.January 1991Tomorrow's Skills (Revised Edition)Callister, P. and Haines, L.
119.May 1991Curriculum: Core or Corset? Community and Business viewsSmith, M., Huntington, K., Smith, L. T., Gawith, G., Callister, S., Currie, G., Owen, B., McLeay, C., McKay, F. and Penetito, W.
120.June 1991Expanding our Horizons: New Zealand in the Global EconomyCallister, P.
121.July 1991Making a Market for Energy EfficiencyTerry, S.
122.July 1991On the Move: Migration and Population - Trends and PoliciesBedford, R., Hyman, P., Khawaja, M., Lowe, J., Mako, C., Neville, W., Pool, I. and Sceats, J.
123.August 1991Small Business is Big BusinessHaines, L.
124.September 1991Supplement To On the Move: Migration and Population - Trends and PoliciesLowe, J.

About the library

Named after the former Chair of the Commission for the Future, Professor James Duncan (1921–2001), the James Duncan Reference Library was established to provide a record of long-term thinking in New Zealand.

Professor Duncan, his team, and his book Options for New Zealand’s Future were major inspirations in the initial stages of the Institute’s Project 2058. The library collection has evolved as the McGuinness Institute has grown. We hope that the library will prove to be a valuable resource in its own right for those interested in thinking about New Zealand’s long-term future.

The major focus of the collection relates to New Zealand Futures Thinking. Publications from the Commission for the Future, Futures Thinking Aotearoa and the New Zealand Planning Council form the core of this collection.

As well as the New Zealand Futures Thinking collection, there are also collections focusing on the work of international future thinkers and scenario planners, New Zealand history and society, books with a Māori focus, and a diverse collection of reference and general materials from New Zealand and around the world.


The McGuinness Institute would like to acknowledge the following individuals and groups, who have loaned or donated material to the library: Paul Corliss, Jennifer Coote, Yvonne Curtis, Judith Davey, Perrine Gilkison, Myra Harpham, Niki Lomax, NZ Futures Trust, Geoffrey Palmer, Jessica Prendergast, Betty Radford, Peter Rankin, Hayley Vujcich and Isabel White.

Professor James Duncan

Professor James Duncan
Former Chair of the Commission for the Future