2014 GDS Index archived as at 30 June 2014 | | | |
1 | Department of Conservation | Science Counts! National Strategic Science & Research Portfolios, Programmes, Priority Actions | NK, 2001 |
2 | Department of Conservation | Science Counts! National Strategic Science & Research Portfolios, Programmes, Priority Actions 2002/03 and Beyond | NK, 2002 |
3 | Department of Conservation | Science Counts! National Strategic Science & Research Portfolios, Programmes, Priority Actions 2003/04 and Beyond | NK, 2003 |
4 | Department of Conservation | National Plan of Action to Reduce the Incidental Catch of Seabirds in New Zealand Fisheries (jointly held between MPI and DoC) | April, 2004 |
5 | Department of Conservation | Marine Mammal Action Plan for 2005-2010 | December, 2004 |
6 | Department of Corrections | Pacific Strategy 2002–2005 | NK, 2002 |
7 | Department of Corrections | Strategy to Reduce Drug and Alcohol Use by Offenders 2005–2008 | NK, 2004 |
8 | Department of Corrections | Te Reo Strategy 2004–2008 | NK, 2004 |
9 | Department of Corrections | Pacific Strategy 2005–2008 | NK, 2005 |
10 | Department of Corrections | Justice Sector Information Strategy 2006–2011 (jointly held between MoJ and Corrections) | July, 2006 |
11 | Department of Corrections | Prisoner Employment Strategy 2006–2009 | NK, 2006 |
12 | Department of Corrections | Māori Strategic Plan 2008–2013 | June (approx), 2008 |
13 | Department of Corrections | Pacific Strategy 2008–2013 | June (approx), 2008 |
14 | Department of Corrections | Prisoner Skills & Employment Strategy 2009–2012 | NK, 2009 |
15 | Department of Internal Affairs | National Civil Defence Emergency Management Strategy – 2003–2006 | March, 2004 |
16 | Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet | Crime Prevention Strategy 1994 | October, 1994 |
17 | Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet | Growing an Innovative New Zealand | February, 2002 |
18 | Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet | Sustainable Development For New Zealand: Programme of Action | January, 2003 |
19 | Land Information New Zealand | Geodetic Strategy 2003–2008 | April, 2003 |
20 | Land Information New Zealand | Ross Sea Region: Strategy 2003–2012 | May, 2003 |
21 | Land Information New Zealand | Topographic Information Strategy 2005–2010 | June, 2005 |
22 | Land Information New Zealand | Future-proofing Core Survey and Title Paper Records: Strategy Paper for the Minister for Land Information | October, 2007 |
23 | Land Information New Zealand | Biosecurity Strategy 2010–2013 | July, 2010 |
24 | Ministry for Culture and Heritage | Building a Strong and Sustainable Public Broadcasting Environment for New Zealand:
A Programme of Action | NK, 2005 |
25 | Ministry for Culture and Heritage | Digital Television Strategy | November, 2006 |
26 | Ministry for Pacific Peoples | Ala Fou – New Pathways: Strategic Directions for Pacific Youth in New Zealand | NK, 2003 |
27 | Ministry for Pacific Peoples | Pacific Economic Action Plan and Pacific Women's Economic Development Plan | NK, 2005 |
28 | Ministry for Pacific Peoples | Pathways to Leadership: Goal 2010: A Report on Pacific Leadership in the Public Service | NK, 2006 |
29 | Ministry for Pacific Peoples | Auckland Pacific Strategy: Successful Pacific Peoples 2009–2014 | NK, 2009 |
30 | Ministry for Pacific Peoples | Career Futures for Pacific Peoples: A Report on Future Labour Market Opportunities and Education Pathways for Pacific Peoples | October, 2010 |
31 | Ministry for Primary Industries [previously MAF] | A Standard Setting Strategy for the Protection of New Zealand's Forests and Trade in Their Products | NK, 1998 |
32 | Ministry for Primary Industries [previously MAF] | Dairying and Clean Streams Accord Between Fonterra Co-operative, Group Regional Councils, Ministry for the Environment, and Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (jointly held between MfE and MPI) | May, 2003 |
33 | Ministry for Primary Industries [previously MAF] | Tiakina Aotearoa, Protect New Zealand: The Biosecurity Strategy for New Zealand | August, 2003 |
34 | Ministry for Primary Industries [previously MAF] | A Pastoral Greenhouse Gas Research Strategy | October, 2003 |
35 | Ministry for Primary Industries [previously MAF] | National Plan of Action to Reduce the Incidental Catch of Seabirds in New Zealand Fisheries (jointly held between MPI and DoC) | April, 2004 |
36 | Ministry for Primary Industries [previously MAF] | Strategy for Managing the Environmental Effects of Fishing | June, 2005 |
37 | Ministry for Primary Industries [previously MAF] | Campylobacter in Poultry – Risk Management Strategy 2006–2009 | November, 2006 |
38 | Ministry for Primary Industries [previously MAF] | Food Safety Authority Strategy for Involving Māori in Food Safety and Consumer Protection Issues | April, 2007 |
39 | Ministry for Primary Industries [previously MAF] | Listeria Monocytogenes Risk Management Strategy 2008–2013 | July, 2008 |
40 | Ministry for Primary Industries [previously MAF] | National Plan of Action for the Conservation and Management of Sharks | October, 2008 |
41 | Ministry for Primary Industries [previously MAF] | Campylobacter Risk Management Strategy 2008–2011 | December, 2008 |
42 | Ministry for Primary Industries [previously MAF] | Salmonella Risk Management Strategy 2009–2012 | March, 2009 |
43 | Ministry for Primary Industries [previously MAF] | Strategic Objectives in Codex 2010–2013 | NK, 2010 |
44 | Ministry for the Environment | Environment 2010 Strategy: A Statement of the Government's Strategy on the Environment | September, 1995 |
45 | Ministry for the Environment | Sustainable Land Management: A Strategy for New Zealand | June, 1996 |
46 | Ministry for the Environment | Learning to Care for Our Environment: Me Ako ki te Tiaki Taiao: A National Strategy for Environmental Education | June, 1998 |
47 | Ministry for the Environment | National Energy Efficiency and Conservation Strategy: Towards a Sustainable Energy Future | September, 2001 |
48 | Ministry for the Environment | Waste Strategy 2002 | March, 2002 |
49 | Ministry for the Environment | Climate Change Research Strategy | NK, 2002 |
50 | Ministry for the Environment | Dairying and Clean Streams Accord Between Fonterra Co-operative, Group Regional Councils, Ministry for the Environment, and Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (jointly held between MfE and MPI) | May, 2003 |
51 | Ministry for the Environment | Strategy for Improving the Workability of Hazardous Substances Provisions of the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act | June, 2003 |
52 | Ministry for the Environment | The Water Programme of Action | November, 2003 |
53 | Ministry for the Environment | Climate Change Solutions: Whole of Government Climate Change Work Programmes | June, 2006 |
54 | Ministry for Women | Action Plan for New Zealand Women | March, 2004 |
55 | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment | The Government's Strategy for Research, Science and Technology in New Zealand to the Year 2010 | August, 1996 |
56 | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment | A Strategic Plan for Māori Tourism Development for the Ministry of Māori Development, 1999–2002 (jointly held between MBIE and TPK) | NK, 1999 |
57 | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment | Industry Development Strategy | May, 2000 |
58 | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment | Regional Development Strategy | June, 2000 |
59 | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment | E-Commerce: Building the Strategy for New Zealand | November, 2001 |
60 | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment | Tourism Strategy 2010 | NK, 2001 |
61 | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment | Connecting Communities: A Strategy for Government Support of Community Access to Information and Communications Technology | June, 2002 |
62 | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment | Biotechnology Strategy: A Foundation for Development With Care | May, 2003 |
63 | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment | A Future Together: The New Zealand Settlement Strategy in Outline | NK, 2003 |
64 | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment | The Digital Strategy: Creating Our Digital Future | May, 2005 |
65 | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment | Labour Market & Employment Strategy: Better Work, Working Better | June, 2005 |
66 | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment | Roadmaps for Science: Energy Research | December, 2006 |
67 | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment | Roadmaps for Science: Nanoscience + Nanotechnologies | December, 2006 |
68 | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment | Roadmaps for Science: Biotechnology Research | March, 2007 |
69 | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment | Tourism Strategy 2015 | NK, 2007 |
70 | Ministry of Defence | Defence Long-term Development Plan | June, 2002 |
71 | Ministry of Defence | The Defence Sustainability Initiative: Building a Long-term Future for the New Zealand Defence Force | May, 2005 |
72 | Ministry of Defence | Defence Long-term Development Plan 2006 Update | October, 2006 |
73 | Ministry of Education | Ko e Ako 'a e Kakai Pasifika: Pacific Islands Peoples' Education in Aotearoa, New Zealand Towards the Twenty-first Century: A Plan to Promote Pacific Islands Peoples' Success in New Zealand Education | December, 1996 |
74 | Ministry of Education | More Than Words: The New Zealand Adult Literacy Strategy, Kei tua atu i te kupu: Te mahere rautaki whiringa ako o Aotearoa | May, 2001 |
75 | Ministry of Education | Pasifika Education Plan 2001–2005 | NK, 2001 |
76 | Ministry of Education | Pathways to the Future: Ngā Huarahi Arataki: A 10-year Strategic Plan for Early Childhood Education 2002–2012 | September, 2002 |
77 | Ministry of Education | Tertiary Education Strategy 2002–2007 | NK, 2002 |
78 | Ministry of Education | The Adult ESOL Strategy | May, 2003 |
79 | Ministry of Education | Making a Bigger Difference for All Students, Hangaia he huarahi hei whakarewa aka I ngā tauira katoa: Schooling Strategy 2005–2010 | June, 2005 |
80 | Ministry of Education | Māori Education Strategy | NK, 2005 |
81 | Ministry of Education | Pasifika Education Plan 2006–2010 | June, 2006 |
82 | Ministry of Education | Tertiary Education Strategy 2007–12: Incorporating Statement of Tertiary Education Priorities 2008–10 | December, 2006 |
83 | Ministry of Education | Better Outcomes for Children: An Action Plan for GSE 2006–2011 | NK, 2006 |
84 | Ministry of Education | Enabling the 21st Century Learner: An e-Learning Action Plan for Schools 2006–2010 | NK, 2006 |
85 | Ministry of Education | The Arts Strategy 2006–2008 | NK, 2006 |
86 | Ministry of Education | International Education Agenda: A Strategy for 2007–2012 | August, 2007 |
87 | Ministry of Education | Pasifika Education Plan 2008–2012 | NK, 2008 |
88 | Ministry of Education | ICT Strategic Framework for Education 2008–2012 | NK, 2008 |
89 | Ministry of Education | Ka Hikitia: Managing for Success: Māori Education Strategy 2008–2012, Updated 2009 | NK, 2008 |
90 | Ministry of Education | Pasifika Education Plan 2009–2012 | NK, 2009 |
91 | Ministry of Education | Tertiary Education Strategy 2010–15 | January, 2010 |
92 | Ministry of Education | Education Agencies' ICT Investment Framework: Strategy 2011–2014 | NK, 2011 |
93 | Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade | Strategic Policy Framework for Relations Between NZAID and New Zealand NGOs | August, 2000 |
94 | Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade | Policy Statement: Towards a Safe and Just World Free of Poverty | July, 2002 |
95 | Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade | NZAID Human Rights Policy: Implementation Plan of Action 2004 –09 | NK, 2004 |
96 | Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade | Preventing Conflict and Building Peace | February, 2005 |
97 | Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade | Pacific Fisheries Strategy 2006–2010 | October, 2006 |
98 | Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade | Pacific Strategy 2007–2015: Te Ara Tupu – The Pathway of Growth: Tackling Poverty in Our Region | NK, 2007 |
99 | Ministry of Health | Te Ara Tohu: Strategic Management Plan for Māori Health 1994–1999 | NK, 1995 |
100 | Ministry of Health | Moving Forward: The National Mental Health Plan for More and Better Services | July, 1997 |
101 | Ministry of Health | In Our Hands: New Zealand Youth Suicide Prevention Strategy (jointly held between TPK and MoH) | March, 1998 |
102 | Ministry of Health | Kia piki te ora o te taitamariki: Strengthening Youth Wellbeing: New Zealand Youth Suicide Prevention Strategy (jointly held between TPK and MoH) | March, 1998 |
103 | Ministry of Health | Child Health Strategy | June, 1998 |
104 | Ministry of Health | National Drug Policy 1998–2003 | June, 1998 |
105 | Ministry of Health | National Alcohol Strategy 2000–2003 | March, 2001 |
106 | Ministry of Health | Pacific Health and Disability Action Plan | February, 2002 |
107 | Ministry of Health | Te Puāwaitanga: Māori Mental Health National Strategic Framework | April, 2002 |
108 | Ministry of Health | He Korowai Oranga: Māori Health Strategy | November, 2002 |
109 | Ministry of Health | Building on Strengths: A New Approach to Promoting Mental Health in New Zealand/Aotearoa | December, 2002 |
110 | Ministry of Health | Child Health Information Strategy | April, 2003 |
111 | Ministry of Health | Clinical Training Agency Strategic Intentions 2004–2013 | January, 2004 |
112 | Ministry of Health | Clearing the Smoke: A Five-year Plan for Tobacco Control in New Zealand (2004–2009) | September, 2004 |
113 | Ministry of Health | Preventing and Minimising Gambling Harm: Strategic Plan 2004–2010 | March, 2005 |
114 | Ministry of Health | National Mental Health Information Strategy | June, 2005 |
115 | Ministry of Health | Te Tāhuhu: Improving Mental Health 2005–2015: The Second New Zealand Mental Health and Addiction Plan | June, 2005 |
116 | Ministry of Health | Health Information Strategy for New Zealand 2005 | August, 2005 |
117 | Ministry of Health | Pacific Provider Development Fund Purchasing Strategy 2005/06 to 2007/08 | October, 2005 |
118 | Ministry of Health | Problem Gambling Research Programme 2005–2010 | NK, 2005 |
119 | Ministry of Health | Te Puāwaiwhero: The Second Māori Mental Health and Addiction National Strategic Framework 2008–2015 | July, 2008 |
120 | Ministry of Health | National Strategic Plan of Action for Breastfeeding 2008–2012 | March, 2009 |
121 | Ministry of Health | Ala Mo'ui: Pathways to Pacific Health and Wellbeing 2010–2014 | January, 2010 |
122 | Ministry of Health | National Health IT Plan: Enabling an Integrated Healthcare Model | September, 2010 |
123 | Ministry of Justice | Justice Sector Information Strategy 1996 | August, 1996 |
124 | Ministry of Justice | Youth Offending Strategy: Preventing and Reducing Offending and Re-offending by Children and Young People: Te Haonga (jointly held between MoJ and MSD) | April, 2002 |
125 | Ministry of Justice | Crime Reduction Strategy 2002 | NK, 2002 |
126 | Ministry of Justice | Te Ara Hei Mua, The Pathway Forward 2003–2006 | June, 2003 |
127 | Ministry of Justice | Safer Communities: Action Plan to Reduce Community Violence & Sexual Violence | June, 2004 |
128 | Ministry of Justice | Justice Sector Information Strategy 2006–2011 (jointly held between MoJ and Corrections) | July, 2006 |
129 | Ministry of Justice | Organised Crime Strategy: Developing a Whole of Government Approach to Combat Organised Crime | March, 2008 |
130 | Ministry of Justice | STOP Strategy: A Strategy for Change 2008–2011 | September, 2008 |
131 | Ministry of Māori Development—Te Puni Kōkiri | In Our Hands: New Zealand Youth Suicide Prevention Strategy (jointly held between TPK and MoH) | March, 1998 |
132 | Ministry of Māori Development—Te Puni Kōkiri | Kia piki te ora o te taitamariki: Strengthening Youth Wellbeing: New Zealand Youth Suicide Prevention Strategy (jointly held between TPK and MoH) | March, 1998 |
133 | Ministry of Māori Development—Te Puni Kōkiri | A Strategic Plan for Māori Tourism Development for the Ministry of Māori Development, 1999–2002 (jointly held between MBIE and TPK) | NK, 1999 |
134 | Ministry of Māori Development—Te Puni Kōkiri | Te Rautaki Reo Māori, The Māori Language Strategy 2014 | June, 2003 |
135 | Ministry of Social Development | Te Punga: Our Bicultural Strategy for the Nineties | Late, 1994 |
136 | Ministry of Social Development | Opportunity, Capacity, Participation: Government Employment Strategy 2000 | September, 2000 |
137 | Ministry of Social Development | Pathways to Opportunity: Ngā ara whai oranga: From Social Welfare to Social Development | June, 2001 |
138 | Ministry of Social Development | Te Rito: New Zealand Family Violence Prevention Strategy | February, 2002 |
139 | Ministry of Social Development | Youth Offending Strategy: Preventing and Reducing Offending and Re-offending by Children and Young People: Te Haonga (jointly held between MoJ and MSD) | April, 2002 |
140 | Ministry of Social Development | New Zealand's Agenda for Children: Making Life Better for Children | June, 2002 |
141 | Ministry of Social Development | Pacific Strategy 2002 | NK, 2002 |
142 | Ministry of Social Development | Care and Protection Blueprint 2003 | NK, 2003 |
143 | Ministry of Social Development | Pacific Youth Development Strategy: Deliver Positive Life-change and Affirmation for All Pacific Youth in Auckland | June, 2005 |
144 | Ministry of Social Development | Pate, Lali, Nafa: Strategy for Pacific Islands Employment and Service Delivery | NK, 2006 |
145 | Ministry of Social Development | Caring for the Carers – He Atawhai i te Hunga Ngākau Oha o Aotearoa: The New Zealand Carers' Strategy and Five-year Action Plan 2008 | April, 2008 |
146 | Ministry of Transport | Transport Strategy 2002 | December, 2002 |
147 | Ministry of Transport | Road Safety to 2010 | October, 2003 |
148 | Ministry of Transport | Getting There – On Foot, by Cycle: A Strategy to Advance Walking and Cycling in New Zealand Transport | February, 2005 |
149 | Ministry of Transport | National Rail Strategy to 2015 | May, 2005 |
150 | Ministry of Transport | Transport Research Strategy 2007 | May, 2007 |
151 | Ministry of Transport | Driver Fatigue Strategy: An Inter-agency Strategy to Combat Driver Fatigue | December, 2007 |
152 | Ministry of Transport | Sea Change: Transforming Coastal Shipping in New Zealand: A Strategy for Domestic Sea Freight: May 2008 | May, 2008 |
153 | Ministry of Transport | Government Policy Statement on Land Transport Funding 2009/10–2018/19 | August, 2008 |
154 | Ministry of Transport | Transport Strategy 2008 | NK, 2008 |
155 | Ministry of Transport | Safer Journeys Action Plan 2011–2012 | May, 2011 |
156 | New Zealand Customs Service | International Strategy 2002–2004 | March, 2002 |
157 | Public Service Commission | Enabling Transformation: A Strategy for e-Government 2006 | November, 2006 |
158 | Statistics New Zealand | Strategic Directions: 2002 and Beyond | April, 2002 |
159 | The Treasury | Strategic Plan 1999–2004 | March, 1999 |
160 | The Treasury | Strategic Direction Summary 2004 | NK, 2004 |
161 | The Treasury | Long-term Fiscal Position | June, 2006 |
162 | The Treasury | Stepping Up | November, 2006 |
2015 GDS Index archived 30 June 2015 | | | |
163 | Department of Corrections | Drug and Alcohol Strategy 2009–2014 | July (approx), 2009 |
164 | Department of Internal Affairs | New Generation National Library: Strategic Directions to 2017 | NK, 2007 |
165 | Land Information New Zealand | Geodetic Physical Infrastructure Strategy | September, 2012 |
166 | Land Information New Zealand | Power of 'Where' Drives New Zealand's Success | November, 2013 |
167 | Ministry for Culture and Heritage | New Zealand Arts, Cultural and Heritage Tourism Strategy to 2015 | September, 2008 |
168 | Ministry for Primary Industries | Climate Change Solutions: Sustainable Land Management and Climate Change: Plan of Action: A Partnership Approach | September, 2007 |
169 | Ministry for the Environment | Packaging Accord 2004 | July, 2004 |
170 | Ministry for the Environment | Meeting the Challenges of Future Flooding in New Zealand | August, 2008 |
171 | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment | Energy Strategy to 2050: Powering Our Future: Towards a Sustainable Low Emissions Energy System | October, 2007 |
172 | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment | Our Future Together: New Zealand Settlement Strategy | NK, 2007 |
173 | Ministry of Defence | Defence Capability Plan 2011 | September, 2011 |
174 | Ministry of Health | Disability Support Services Strategic Plan 2010 to 2014: Towards a More Flexible Disability Support System: Nothing for Us Without Us | March, 2012 |
175 | Ministry of Social Development | Strengthening Families for Well-being: From Welfare to Well-being, mai i te toko i te ora ki te oranga: 5th Edition 1998 | NK, 1998 |
176 | The Treasury | National Infrastructure Plan | July, 2011 |
2018 GDS Index archived 31 December 2018 | | | |
177 | Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority
Note: No longer in existance | Recovery Strategy for Greater Christchurch, Mahere Haumanutanga o Waitaha | May, 2012 |
178 | Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority
Note: No longer in existence | Community in Mind, Hei Puāwai Waitaha – a flourishing Waitaha: Strategy for rebuilding health and wellbeing in greater Christchurch | June, 2014 |
179 | Department of Conservation | Marine Protected Areas: Policy and Implementation Plan (jointly held with MPI and DoC) | December, 2005 |
180 | Department of Conservation | Sea Lion Species Management Plan: 2009-2014 | July, 2009 |
181 | Department of Conservation | Rena: Long-term Environmental Recovery Plan (jointly held between DoC, MfE, MPI and MoT) | December, 2011 |
182 | Department of Conservation | Science Counts! The Department of Conservation's Strategic Science and Research Priorities 2011–2016 | June, 2011 |
183 | Department of Corrections | Creating Lasting Change: Strategy 2011–2015 | NK, 2011 |
184 | Department of Corrections | Youth Strategy – Reducing Re-offending by Young People | November, 2013 |
185 | Department of Corrections | RR25%: Reducing Re-offending Strategy 2014–2017 | November, 2014 |
186 | Department of Internal Affairs | Government ICT Strategy and Action Plan to 2017 | June, 2013 |
187 | Department of Internal Affairs | Result 10 Blueprint: A Strategy for Digital Public Services | June, 2014 |
188 | Department of Internal Affairs | Government ICT Strategy 2015 | October, 2015 |
189 | Department of Internal Affairs | A Dynamic, Integrated Programme of Work to Deliver the Government ICT Strategy | June, 2016 |
190 | Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet | Tackling Methamphetamine: An Action Plan | October, 2009 |
191 | Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet | Cyber Security Strategy 2011 | June, 2011 |
192 | Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet | Measures to Improve Youth Mental Health | June, 2012 |
193 | Land Information New Zealand | Geospatial Strategy 2007
| January, 2007 |
194 | Land Information New Zealand | He Whāriki Maurua: Business with Māori Strategy 2013–2016 | June, 2013 |
195 | Land Information New Zealand | Strategic Plan 2015 | December, 2015 |
196 | Ministry for Primary Industries | Marine Protected Areas: Policy and Implementation Plan (jointly held with MPI and DoC) | December, 2005 |
197 | Ministry for Primary Industries | Fisheries 2030: New Zealanders Maximising Benefits From the Use of Fisheries Within Environmental Limits | September, 2009 |
198 | Ministry for Primary Industries | National Fisheries Plan for Deepwater and Middle-depth Fisheries | NK, 2010 |
199 | Ministry for Primary Industries | National Fisheries Plan for Highly Migratory Species (HMS) 2010–2015 | NK, 2010 |
200 | Ministry for Primary Industries | Pest Management National Plan of Action | February, 2011 |
201 | Ministry for Primary Industries | Draft National Fisheries Plan for Freshwater | July, 2011 |
202 | Ministry for Primary Industries | Draft National Fisheries Plan for Inshore Finfish | July, 2011 |
203 | Ministry for Primary Industries | Draft National Fisheries Plan for Inshore Shellfish | July, 2011 |
204 | Ministry for Primary Industries | Our Strategy 2030: Growing and Protecting New Zealand | July, 2011 |
205 | Ministry for Primary Industries | Rena: Long-term Environmental Recovery Plan (jointly held between DoC, MfE, MPI and MoT) | December, 2011 |
206 | Ministry for Primary Industries | Future Directions for the Border Sector | February, 2012 |
207 | Ministry for Primary Industries | Freshwater Reform: 2013 and Beyond (jointly held between MfE and MPI) | March, 2013 |
208 | Ministry for Primary Industries | National Plan of Action – 2013: To Reduce the Incidental Catch of Seabirds in New Zealand Fisheries | April, 2013 |
209 | Ministry for Primary Industries | Campylobacter Risk Management Strategy | July, 2013 |
210 | Ministry for Primary Industries | Listeria Risk Management Strategy | July, 2013 |
211 | Ministry for Primary Industries | Salmonella Risk Management Strategy | July, 2013 |
212 | Ministry for Primary Industries | National Plan of Action for the Conservation and Management of Sharks 2013 | January, 2014 |
213 | Ministry for the Environment | Water Research Strategy | December, 2009 |
214 | Ministry for the Environment | Rena: Long-term Environmental Recovery Plan (jointly held between DoC, MfE, MPI and MoT) | December, 2011 |
215 | Ministry for the Environment | Freshwater Reform: 2013 and Beyond (jointly held between MfE and MPI) | March, 2013 |
216 | Ministry for the Environment | Framework for Environmental Reporting in New Zealand | February, 2014 |
217 | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment | Workplace Health and Safety Strategy for New Zealand to 2015, Ruataki mō te Haumaru me te Hauora o te Wāhi Mahi mō Aotearoa ki te 2015 | June, 2005 |
218 | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment | Migrant Settlement and Integration Strategy | March, 2014 |
219 | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment | Tertiary Education Strategy 2014 (was jointly held between MBIE and MoE but then became solely MoE) | March, 2014 |
220 | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment | Better Public Services Result 9: Improving Business' Interactions with Government | July, 2014 |
221 | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment | Business Growth Agenda: Future Direction 2014 | NK, 2014 |
222 | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment | Business Growth Agenda: Towards 2025 | September, 2015 |
223 | Ministry of Defence | Defence White Paper 2010 | November, 2010 |
224 | Ministry of Education | Success for All: Every School, Every Child: Building an Inclusive Education System | NK, 2010 |
225 | Ministry of Education | Leadership Statement for International Education | September, 2011 |
226 | Ministry of Education | School Property Strategy 2011–2021 [jointly held between MoE and MBIE] | NK, 2011 |
227 | Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade | Latin America: A Revised Approach | May, 2010 |
228 | Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade | Opening Doors to India: New Zealand's 2015 Vision | October, 2011 |
229 | Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade | International Development Group Strategic Plan 2012–2015: Development that Delivers | September, 2012 |
230 | Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade | Opening Doors to the Gulf Region: The New Zealand Inc Strategy | July, 2013 |
231 | Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade | New Zealand Aid Programme Strategic Plan 2015–19 | September, 2015 |
232 | Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade | New Zealand Aid Programme Investment Priorities 2015–19 | February, 2016 |
233 | Ministry of Health | Health Strategy 2000 | December, 2000 |
234 | Ministry of Health | Disability Strategy 2001 | April, 2001 |
235 | Ministry of Health | National Drug Policy 2007–2012 | NK, 2007 |
236 | Ministry of Health | National Health Emergency Plan 2008 | December, 2008 |
237 | Ministry of Health | Actioning Medicines New Zealand 2010 | April, 2010 |
238 | Ministry of Health | Preventing and Minimising Gambling Harm [Six-year strategic plan] | May, 2010 |
239 | Ministry of Health | National Screening Unit Strategic Plan 2010-2015 | June, 2010 |
240 | Ministry of Health | Better, Sooner, More Convenient Health Care in the Community | June, 2011 |
241 | Ministry of Health | National Health Emergency Plan: Mass Casualty Action Plan | September, 2011 |
242 | Ministry of Health | Preventing and Minimising Gambling Harm [Three-year service plan and levy rates] | May, 2013 |
243 | Ministry of Health | National Health Emergency Plan: H5N1 Pre-Pandemic Vaccine Usage Policy (Revised 2013) | December, 2013 |
244 | Ministry of Health | National Health Emergency Plan: National Reserve Supplies Management and Usage Policies, 3rd Edition | December, 2013 |
245 | Ministry of Health | Faiva Ora National Pasifika Disability Plan | January, 2014 |
246 | Ministry of Justice | Strengthening New Zealand's Resistance to Organised Crime: An all-of-government response 2011 | August, 2011 |
247 | Ministry of Justice | Delivering Better Public Services: Reducing Crime and Re-offending Result Action Plan | July, 2012 |
248 | Ministry of Social Development | Pathways to Inclusion: Ngā ara whakauru ki te iwi whānui: Improving Vocational Services for People with Disabilities | September, 2001 |
249 | Ministry of Social Development | Delivering Better Public Services: Reducing Long-term Welfare Dependence: Result Action Plan | August, 2012 |
250 | Ministry of Social Development | Community Investment Strategy | June, 2015 |
251 | Ministry of Transport | Government Policy Statement on Land Transport Funding 2012/13–2021/22 | July, 2011 |
252 | Ministry of Transport | Connecting New Zealand: A Summary of the Government's Policy Direction for Transport | August, 2011 |
253 | Ministry of Transport | Rena: Long-term Environmental Recovery Plan (jointly held between DoC, MfE, MPI and MoT) | December, 2011 |
254 | Ministry of Transport | Safer Journeys Action Plan 2013–2015 | March, 2013 |
255 | Ministry of Transport | Government Policy Statement on Land Transport 2015/16 - 2024-25 | December, 2014 |
256 | New Zealand Customs Service | Towards Customs 2020 | September, 2013 |
257 | New Zealand Customs Service | Customs IS Strategy 2014–2017 | December, 2014 |
258 | Oranga Tamariki - Ministry for Children | Delivering Better Public Services: Supporting Vulnerable Children: Result Action Plan | August, 2012 |
259 | Public Service Commission | Direction and Priorities for System Stewardship | May, 2016 |
260 | Statistics New Zealand | Strategic Plan 2010–20 | September, 2010 |
261 | The Treasury | Challenges and Choices: New Zealand's Long-term Fiscal Statement 2009 | October, 2009 |
262 | The Treasury | Affording Our Future: Statement on New Zealand's Long-term Fiscal Position | July, 2013 |
263 | The Treasury | Investment Statement: Managing the Crown's Balance Sheet 2014 | March, 2014 |
2020 GDS Index archived 31 December 2020 | | | |
264 | Department of Conservation | Biodiversity Strategy (2000) | February, 2000 |
265 | Department of Corrections | Reducing Re-offending Among Māori | March, 2017 |
266 | Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet | Cyber Security Strategy 2015 | December, 2015 |
267 | Education Review Office | Pacific Strategy 2013-2017 | January, 2013 |
268 | Ministry for Culture and Heritage | Cultural Sector Strategic Framework 2014-2018 | August, 2014 |
269 | Ministry for Primary Industries | Campylobacter Risk Management Strategy 2017-2020 | May, 2017 |
270 | Ministry for Primary Industries | Growing and Protecting New Zealand | July, 2017 |
271 | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment | Tourism Strategy 2016 | August, 2016 |
272 | Ministry of Defence | Defence Capability Plan 2014 | June, 2014 |
273 | Ministry of Education | Pasifika Education Plan | November, 2012 |
274 | Ministry of Education | Tau Mai Te Reo – The Māori Language in Education Strategy 2013-2017 | June, 2013 |
275 | Ministry of Education | Ka Hikitia – Accelerating Success: The Māori Education Strategy 2013-2017 | July, 2013 |
276 | Ministry of Education | Tertiary Education Strategy 2014-2019 | March, 2014 |
277 | Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade | International Development Policy Statement | March, 2011 |
278 | Ministry of Health | National Drug Policy 2015-2020 | August, 2015 |
279 | Ministry of Health | Strategy to Prevent and Minimise Gambling Harm 2016/17-2018/19 | May, 2016 |
280 | Ministry of Māori Development—Te Puni Kōkiri | Te Rautaki Reo Māori – Māori Language Strategy 2014 | July, 2014 |
281 | Ministry of Social Development | Positive Ageing Strategy | April, 2001 |
282 | Ministry of Social Development | Disability Action Plan 2014-2018 | May, 2014 |
283 | Ministry of Social Development | Youth Investment Strategy | September, 2017 |
284 | Ministry of Transport | Safer Journeys: Road Safety Strategy 2010–2020 | March, 2010 |
285 | Ministry of Transport | Intelligent Transport Systems Technology Action Plan 2014-2018 | May, 2014 |
286 | Ministry of Transport | Safer Journeys: Action Plan 2016–2020 | March, 2016 |
287 | Ministry of Transport | Transport Research Strategy | July, 2016 |
288 | New Zealand Customs Service | Customs 2020 | September, 2015 |
2021 GDS Index archived as at 31 December 2021 | | | |
289 | Department of Conservation | Hector’s and Maui’s Dolphin Threat Management Plan | August, 2007 |
290 | Department of Conservation | Information Systems Strategic Plan | April, 2015 |
291 | Department of Corrections | Our Drug and Alcohol Strategy Through to 2020 | March, 2016 |
292 | Department of Corrections | Health and Safety Strategy 2016–2020 | May, 2016 |
293 | Department of Corrections | Change Lives Shape Futures: Wahine - E rere ana ki te Pae Hou – Women’s Strategy | June, 2017 |
294 | Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet | National Civil Defence Emergency Management Strategy | March, 2008 |
295 | Government Communications Security Bureau | Diversity and Inclusion Strategy 2017–2020 (jointly held between GCSB and NZSIS) | April, 2018 |
296 | Land Information New Zealand | Outcomes Framework | December, 2017 |
297 | Ministry for Pacific Peoples | Pacific Languages Framework | October, 2012 |
298 | Ministry for Primary Industries | Cadmium and New Zealand Agriculture and Horticulture | February, 2011 |
299 | Ministry for the Environment | Hitting the Mark – Our Strategic Plan to 2045 | December, 2015 |
300 | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment | Oil Emergency Response Strategy | July, 2008 |
301 | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment | Plan of Action to Prevent People Trafficking | July, 2009 |
302 | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment | Energy Efficiency and Conservation Strategy 2011–2016 | NK, 2011 |
303 | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment | Investment Attraction Strategy | July, 2015 |
304 | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment | From the Knowledge Wave to the Digital Age – Mai I Te Ao Mātauranga Ki Te Ao Matihiko Nei | July, 2019 |
305 | Ministry of Defence | Defence Capability Plan 2016 | November, 2016 |
306 | Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade | Antarctic and Southern Ocean Science | April, 2011 |
307 | Ministry of Health | Sexual and Reproductive Health Strategy (1996) | May, 1996 |
308 | Ministry of Health | Sexual and Reproductive Health Strategy (2001) | October, 2001 |
309 | Ministry of Health | Influenza Pandemic Action Plan 2010 | April, 2010 |
310 | Ministry of Health | Whāia Te Ao Mārama 2012 to 2017 – The Māori Disability Action Plan | August, 2012 |
311 | Ministry of Health | Kaiāwhina Workforce Action Plan 2015-20 | July, 2015 |
312 | Ministry of Housing and Urban Development | Public Housing Plan 2018-2022 | August, 2018 |
313 | Ministry of Māori Development—Te Puni Kōkiri | Māori Housing Network Investment Strategy (2015) | October, 2015 |
314 | Ministry of Social Development | E Tu Whānau Programme of Action for Addressing Family Violence 2013 – 2018 | February, 2013 |
315 | Ministry of Social Development | Caring for the Carers – He Atawhai i te Hunga Ngākau Oha o Aotearoa | February, 2014 |
316 | Ministry of Social Development | Social Housing Investment Strategy 2017/18 | August, 2017 |
317 | Ministry of Social Development | Elder Abuse in Aotearoa 2019 | December, 2019 |
318 | Ministry of Transport | Transport Domain Plan | July, 2016 |
319 | Ministry of Transport | Government Policy Statement on Land Transport 2018/19–2027/28 | June, 2018 |
320 | New Zealand Customs Service | Diversity and Inclusion (2017) | December, 2017 |
321 | New Zealand Security Intelligence Service | Diversity and Inclusion Strategy (2018) (jointly held between GCSB and NZSIS) | April, 2018 |
322 | Statistics New Zealand | 2018 Census Strategy | September, 2016 |
323 | Statistics New Zealand | 2018 Census Data Quality Management Strategy | July, 2017 |
324 | Statistics New Zealand | Open Data Action Plan | July, 2017 |
325 | Statistics New Zealand | Empowering Agencies to Use Data More Effectively | March, 2018 |
326 | Statistics New Zealand | Data Strategy and Roadmap For New Zealand | October, 2018 |
327 | The Treasury | He Tirohanga Mokopuna – Statement on the Long-term Fiscal Position (2016) | November, 2016 |
2023 GDS Index archived as at 31 December 2023 | | | |
328 | Department of Conservation | National Education Strategy 2010–2030 | March, 2011 |
329 | Department of Conservation | Digital Strategy 2020: Te pae tawhiti whaia kia tata – Navigating to new horizons | March, 2021 |
330 | Department of Corrections | National Historic Heritage Strategy 2013 | October–December, 2013 |
331 | Department of Corrections | Change Lives Shape Futures: Investing in better mental health for offenders | March, 2017 |
332 | Department of Internal Affairs | National Library of New Zealand Digitisation Plan 2019–2022 | August, 2019 |
333 | Department of Internal Affairs | Three Waters Reform Programme | July, 2020 |
334 | Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet | Countering terrorism and violent extremism: National strategy overview | February, 2020 |
335 | Government Communications Security Bureau | Diversity and Inclusion Strategy 2021–2025 (jointly held between GCSB and NZSIS) | July, 2021 |
336 | Inland Revenue Department | Our Corporate Strategy – Customer | May-September, 2016 |
337 | Land Information New Zealand | He Whāriki Maurua – Business with Māori Strategy 2013–2017 | September, 2014 |
338 | Land Information New Zealand | Topographic Strategy | March, 2015 |
339 | Land Information New Zealand | Crown Property Strategy | June, 2018 |
340 | Ministry for Primary Industries | Aquaculture Strategy and Five-year Action Plan to Support Aquaculture | April, 2012 |
341 | Ministry for Primary Industries | Essential Freshwater (jointly held between MPI and MfE) | October, 2018 |
342 | Ministry for Primary Industries | Food Safety 2019–2024 | November, 2019 |
343 | Ministry for the Environment | National Implementation Plan Under the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants | December, 2006 |
344 | Ministry for the Environment | Waste Strategy | October, 2010 |
345 | Ministry for the Environment | Essential Freshwater (jointly held between MPI and MfE) | October, 2018 |
346 | Ministry for the Environment | Shared Interests in Freshwater | October, 2018 |
347 | Ministry for the Environment | Sustainability Strategy | July, 2020 |
348 | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment | Energy Strategy 2011–2021 | August, 2011 |
349 | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment | Major Events Strategy: Investing in world class events | NK, 2013 |
350 | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment | Pacific Economic Strategy 2015–2021 | August, 2015 |
351 | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment | Energy Efficiency and Conservation Strategy 2017–2022 | June, 2017 |
352 | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment | Government Tourism Strategy (jointly held between DOC and MBIE) | May, 2019 |
353 | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment | Small Business Strategy | July, 2019 |
354 | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment | Our Employment Strategy | August, 2019 |
355 | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment | Economic Plan for a Productive, Sustainable and Inclusive Economy | September, 2019 |
356 | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment | Responsibly Delivering Value: A Minerals and Petroleum Resource Strategy for Aotearoa New Zealand 2019–2029 | November, 2019 |
357 | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment | Agritech Industry Transformation Plan | July, 2020 |
358 | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment | Advanced Manufacturing ITP Scope | July, 2021 |
359 | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment | Antarctic and Southern Ocean Research Directions and Priorities 2021–2030 (jointly held between LINZ, MPI, MBIE and MFAT) | December, 2021 |
360 | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment | Advanced Manufacturing Industry Transformation Plan | March, 2023 |
361 | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment | He Mahere Tiaki Kaimahi – Better Work Action Plan | March, 2023 |
362 | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment | Agritech Industry Transformation Plan | June, 2023 |
363 | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment | Our Economic Plan | NK |
364 | Ministry of Defence | Defence White Paper 2016 | June, 2016 |
365 | Ministry of Defence | Strategic Defence Policy Statement 2018 | July, 2018 |
366 | Ministry of Education | International Education Strategy – He Rautaki Mātauranga A Ao 2018–2030 | August, 2018 |
367 | Ministry of Education | Mahi Aroha: Carers' Strategy Action Plan 2019–2023 (jointly held between MoE, MoH, TPK, MSD and OT) | December, 2019 |
368 | Ministry of Education | Action Plan for Pacific Education 2020–2030 | July, 2020 |
369 | Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade | Opening Doors to China: New Zealand's 2015 Vision | February, 2012 |
370 | Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade | ASEAN Partnership: One Pathway to Ten Nations | July, 2013 |
371 | Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade | Advancing with Australia: New Zealand Inc Australia strategy | NK, 2013 |
372 | Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade | Our People Strategy | July, 2017 |
373 | Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade | Diversity and Inclusion Strategy 2018–2028 | June, 2018 |
374 | Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade | Trade Recovery Strategy | June, 2020 |
375 | Ministry of Health | Reduced Waiting Times for Public Hospital Elective Services | March, 2000 |
376 | Ministry of Health | Primary Health Care Strategy | February, 2001 |
377 | Ministry of Health | Health of Older People Strategy | April, 2002 |
378 | Ministry of Health | Youth Health: A Guide to Action | September, 2002 |
379 | Ministry of Health | Suicide Prevention Strategy 2006–2016 | June, 2006 |
380 | Ministry of Health | Rising to the Challenge – The Mental Health and Addiction Service Development Plan 2012–2017 | December, 2012 |
381 | Ministry of Health | Suicide Prevention Action Plan 2013–2016 | May, 2013 |
382 | Ministry of Health | National Health Information Technology Plan Update 2013/14 | November, 2013 |
383 | Ministry of Health | ’Ala Mo’ui – Pathways to Pacific Health and Wellbeing 2014–2018 | June, 2014 |
384 | Ministry of Health | Disability Support Services Strategic Plan 2014–2018 | June, 2015 |
385 | Ministry of Health | Health Strategy 2016 | April, 2016 |
386 | Ministry of Health | Pharmacy Action Plan 2016 to 2020 | May, 2016 |
387 | Ministry of Health | Strategy to Prevent and Minimise Gambling Harm 2019/20 to 2021/22 | June, 2019 |
388 | Ministry of Health | Mahi Aroha: Carers' Strategy Action Plan 2019–2023 (jointly held between MoE, MoH, TPK, MSD and OT) | December, 2019 |
389 | Ministry of Health | Tā Tātau Rautaki – Our Strategy | October, 2020 |
390 | Ministry of Housing and Urban Development | MAIHI Ka Ora – The National Māori Housing Strategy 2021–2051 (jointly held between HUD and TPK) | September, 2021 |
391 | Ministry of Justice | Our Māori Strategy – Te Haerenga | September, 2017 |
392 | Ministry of Māori Development—Te Puni Kōkiri | Children’s Action Plan | October, 2012 |
393 | Ministry of Māori Development—Te Puni Kōkiri | Mahi Aroha: Carers' Strategy Action Plan 2019–2023 (jointly held between MoE, MoH, TPK, MSD and OT) | December, 2019 |
394 | Ministry of Māori Development—Te Puni Kōkiri | MAIHI Ka Ora – The National Māori Housing Strategy 2021–2051 (jointly held between HUD and TPK) | September, 2021 |
395 | Ministry of Māori Development—Te Puni Kōkiri | Māori Housing Investment Strategy 2018–19 to 2020–21 | NK, 2018 |
396 | Ministry of Social Development | Youth Development Strategy Aotearoa | January, 2002 |
397 | Ministry of Social Development | Employment and Social Outcomes Investment Strategy | October, 2018 |
398 | Ministry of Social Development | Mahi Aroha: Carers' Strategy Action Plan 2019–2023 (jointly held between MoE, MoH, TPK, MSD and OT) | December, 2019 |
399 | Ministry of Social Development | Youth Plan 2020–2022 | July, 2020 |
400 | Ministry of Social Development | Social Sector Commissioning | August, 2020 |
401 | New Zealand Security Intelligence Service | Diversity and Inclusion Strategy 2021–2025 (jointly held between GCSB and NZSIS) | July, 2021 |
402 | Oranga Tamariki - Ministry for Children | Youth Justice Work Programme 2013–2023 (previously called Youth Crime Action Plan) | October, 2013 |
403 | Oranga Tamariki - Ministry for Children | Mahi Aroha: Carers' Strategy Action Plan 2019–2023 (jointly held between MoE, MoH, TPK, MSD and OT) | December, 2019 |
404 | Public Service Commission | Leadership Strategy for the State Services | November, 2013 |
405 | Public Service Commission | Open Government Partnership: National Action Plan 2016–18 | October, 2016 |
406 | The Treasury | He Puna Hao Pātiki – 2018 Investment Statement: Investing for Wellbeing | March, 2018 |